Definitely not
Yes, there is a particular focus on control from your centre that makes for strengthened abdominal muscles. There’s a focus on lengthening – Pilates will make you feel taller and, well, just better.

What feels special about Pilates for me is that it’s a conversation with your body. Some people have a breezy rapport between mind and body, with instructions quickly relayed and understood, others not so much. I fall into the latter camp, I had, and still have, to work hard to get my body and brain to really listen to each other.
So, over the years, studying with some of the Pilates’ world’s most amazing trainers (including Miranda Bass, Lisa Bradshaw, Jean Androne, Maria Earle and Julie Driver) I have had to absorb information in multiple ways, to ask for clarifications and to practice, practice, practice. I get there and I know how to get you there. Come along and see what the benefits of Pilates could be for you.